How to find out if your data has been leaked from Facebook

You’ve probably already heard that there’s a huge data leak where 533 million Facebook users saw their data leak online. These are phone numbers, Facebook IDs, birthday dates and of course email addresses. The leak concerns users from 106 countries around the world, including Greece and, at least this time, was not done with the company’s consent. But the question first of all is whether we are among those whose personal data has been compromised. First and easiest way of all is the site Have I Been Pwned which essentially a tracker of all data leaks known to date. All you have to do is follow the link and type your e-mail. There you will find if you are part of Facebook breach and many more leaks of your personal information that took place without your consent. I’ve already found two cases like this. The creator of the site entered was thinking about whether to include in his search and phone numbers. On the scale, he put on one side the right of those who have ...